ESG Review

ESG Review

Riyad Bank’s commitment to its corporate sustainability and responsibility in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors is critical to the future of our Bank. For many years, we have played an active and essential role in contributing to our community to create positive changes that lead to a better future for our communities, our stakeholders and the Kingdom. That contribution continues to be a top priority for both the Bank and its employees, who are outstanding ambassadors and genuine humanitarians in their own right. Once again, it has been a year where we can take enormous pride in our efforts and more importantly our impact.

A Sustainable Strategy

Bukra is our comprehensive and long-term corporate social responsibility strategy. It is aligned with the best practices of the most important local, regional and global frameworks, including Vision 2030, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


To be a leading member of sustainable practices that would add value to employees, customers, stakeholders, and the whole community of Saudi Arabia.


To deliver quality corporate social responsibility practices of impactful values and benefits in alignment with the Bank’s strategy and operations, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), and the Kingdom’s 2030 Vision.


  • Align our practices with The Guidance on Social Responsibility (ISO 26000), Accountability Principles Standard (AA1000), The Global Report Initiative (GRI), and the UN Global Compact.

  • To be nationally and globally recognized for our professional and collaborative approach to enhance the environment, education, market and the community for our Bank’s employees and our society.

  • Measure the impact of our programs internally and externally, then prepare reports, insights and statistics to be shared.

  • To have a role in the community service programs Kingdom-wise by achieving our goals through involving our employees to lead the Bank into success locally and globally.

  • To be diverse, inclusive, transparent and accountable in projects and practices.

With Bukra, the Bank is targeting the following UNSDGs

Our society

Playing an Active Role in our Community

Riyad Bank continued to play an active role in our community this year. Our donation accounts, which are opened by various Charities and Associations to supply essential items to the needy, saw more than 410.954 transactions. This extraordinary figure has benefited all members of our society – from the young and the old to all those in need of support – each donation made a substantial difference to their lives.

Our people

Safeguarding and Engaging our Greatest Asset

With a total of over 5,600 full-time staff at Riyad Bank, our CSR initiatives have always been totally inclusive of our employees. They continue to be the heart and soul of the organization and their journey with us is of paramount importance. We constantly strive to maintain our philosophy as the best employer we can be and achieve our goal as Bank of Choice for Employees by 2025. Our Staff understand how much we value their contributions and in 2021 we reinforced that even further with acquiring, developing, engaging and rewarding our immense pool of talent.

Riyad Bank Academy

Riyad Bank Academy was officially inaugurated this year to empower young and promising talent, share the latest developments in banking and finance, and enhance their capabilities and performance. The Academy is a true learning hub and regional institute in financial and banking studies in Riyad, emphasizing the city’s role as an international financial training center.


Riyad Bank has been supporting the Human Resources Development Fund to promote on-the-job training to Saudi youth through its Tamheer Program for Saudi graduates. This year, we have trained 75 Tamheer recruits and since our participation in the program, we have placed a total of 56 trainees in permanent jobs.


Riyad Bank focuses on a total reward concept that includes compensation, benefits, employee recognition, employee development and employee care.


Saudization Rate


Female employees


Female recruits in 2021


Our environment

A Greener Bank for a Better World

Having recovered from the disruption of the pandemic, we redoubled our efforts to achieve our aims. In terms of environmental sustainability, our recycling and energy-saving projects proved to be a significant factor in illustrating society’s approach to waste and how we can all play a part in improving our outlook. We were delighted to be recognized by the Gulf Sustainability Awards in the Awareness and Education category.

In terms of our commitment to minimizing our environmental footprint, this year we saved


Gallons of water




Cubic Meters of Landfill

20,180 kW

of Electricity Savings in Riyad Bank main buildings and warehouses


Tons of CO2

5,045 Kg

of paper and plastic